Pictures of gay men butts

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Silver medalist Chase Kalisz of the United States and gold medal medalist Kosuke Hagino of Japan embrace during the medal ceremony for the Final of the Men's 400m Individual Medley. (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)ĭiego Hypolito (right) and Arthur Mariano of Brazil celebrate winning silver and bronze respectively after the Men's Floor Exercise Final. Moises Duque of Brazil and Carlin Isles of the United States embrace after the Men's Placing 9-12, Match in rugby. Jack Laugher, left, and Chris Mears of Great Britain celebrate winning the Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard Final.

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Gregorio Paltrinieri of Italy celebrates winning gold with Gabriele Detti of Italy, who won bronze in the Men's 1500m Freestyle Final (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images) BromanceĬanada's Gavin Schmitt (L) embraces Canada's Tyler Sanders after they won the men's qualifying volleyball match between the USA and Canada (Photo by Pedro UgarteAFP/Getty Images) And finally, a parting shot that shows what all that rowing does to build one's glutes.

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It's also great to see some of the athletes better assets, often hidden underneath their uniforms - namely their abs. One of the coolest things about the Olympics is seeing athletes show emotion, especially affection in an arena that is acceptable to men.

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